Durieux - Regular
Tomorrow, April 26th, is Alien Day. To celebrate, Bottleneck Gallery is releasing some impressive new work by Laurent Durieux, Mark Englert and Chris Skinner.

Durieux - Variant
Bottleneck will be holding a screening of Alien tomorrow night in Brooklyn, at which time attendees may reserve Laurent Duriuex's Alien Prints. There is a regular, variant and metal variant edition of the piece. While a large portion of sales will occur at the theater, there will be an online sale on Wednesday.

Englert - Regular
Mark Englert and Chris Skinner's pieces, however, will be dropped tomorrow online. The Englert has a regular and variant edition, with glow in the dark inks. Mark had previously tackled Aliens via a commission group, and did a masterful job. Yet he still managed to top himself here. His prints are absolute stunners, and go in a wholly different direction/style than his previous foray into the franchise. Likewise, Laurent's prints have more a classic style, which is more reminiscent of his 2014 work. Laurent wisely forgoes focusing on the Xenomorph (although it's in there on the ship), and instead ominously focuses on the crew.

Englert - Variant Edition
Drop Details: The Durieux Alien run sizes are as follows: regular 550, variant 225 and metal 50, but with much fewer online. They all measure 24x36 and cost $65, $85 and $250, respectfully. The Englert regular will be available tomorrow until April 27th at 1 PM EST, while the variant has an edition of 225. Both prints measure 12x36 and cost $50 and $60, respectfully. Chris's print has an edition of 175, measures 18x24 and costs $45. To all those going for these, good luck!

Skinner - Hide and Seek
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