Matt Ferguson's First Solo Show Takes Fans to "Distant Lands"
On Friday, March 27th, Bottleneck Gallery will host Matt Ferguson's first solo show, Distant Lands. As first revealed on Slashfilm, we now have images for the entire show!
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Over the past year, Matt has received some well deserved attention for his art. He was first picked up by Bottleneck for his great work on the Tim Burton Batman films, and then co-billed a two man show at Bottleneck with Marko Manev. Matt then received universal acclaim and well deserved notoriety for his Guardians of the Galaxy print, which he designed as an homage to the original Star Wars one sheet.
Since then, he's done a couple of hugely successful trilogies for Bottleneck: Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Both print sets were a part of, and a lead up to, his current solo show, Distant Lands - the premise of which is far off, fictionalized film locations.
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Of course, Middle Earth and a Galaxy Far, Far Away were great starting points. But Matt will also take fans to myriad new places, including Krypton, The Mainframe and Isla Nubar, among others. It's an overall fantastic display of talent, and a real treat for fans.
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The show opens this Friday, with all remaining prints going on sale Saturday morning. There will also be a pre-sale on Thursday from 2-3 PM EST. To all those trying to grab these, good luck!
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