Four New Mondo TMNT Prints to Cover Various Incarnations of the Characters
Tomorrow, Mondo will release four great posters celebrating the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by depicting them in various incarnations spanning the last 30 years. Specifically, Mondo tasked each artist with representing the characters as they appeared during a certain period of time in a particular medium.
First up is Tom Whalen, who designed his print based on the beloved and hugely popular TMNT cartoon of the 1980s. As an artist who has had tremendous success portraying animated characters, Whalen does not disappoint here. He captures many of the notable characters from the series and does it in a style that's instantly recognizable as the 80's cartoon.
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Next up, we have Rich Kelly's piece for the original TMNT Film. While all the pieces are great, Kelly absolutely killed it with this print. It's muted color tone, title block and character depictions -- including Casey Jones -- form a TMNT film print that is as close to perfect as could be imagined. I'm not sure many collectors felt they absolutely needed a print for the film, but this print is certainly good enough to transcend that feeling. It's the TMNT print fans never knew they needed, but now that it's here, it should be a must have for any fan.
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Next up is JC Richard's print, which uses the original Eastman/Laird comics as inspiration. In typical Richard fashion, he has presented a beautiful landscape, with great atmosphere. Having not read the comics, it's hard to say how accurate the depiction is here, but from a pure art standpoint it looks great.
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Last, but not least, is Andrew Kolb's take on the characters as they appear in the current Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series on Nickelodeon. This print is all sorts of fun, and sticks to the red color tone that the turtles donned when they were first introduced -- each turtle being represented by different colors came later.
All in all, these are all good pieces for all types of TMNT fans.
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Drop Details: These all go on sale tomorrow at random time on Mondo's site. The Kolb, Whalen and Kelly are all 18x24, while the Richard measures 36x16.5. The Whalen and Kelly are both editions of 300, and the Richard and Kolb are editions of 225 and 175, respectively. All pieces will be hand numbered. To those going for one, good luck!
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