Marko Manev Puts a New Spin on his Noir Series with Daredevil Prints
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This Wednesday, August 12th, Grey Matter Art, in association with Marvel Knights, will release two officially licensed prints for the Netflix series "Daredevil." Marko Manev has been selected to tackle the project, and he's approached it with both something familiar and new.
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Manev first became well known for his Superhero Noir prints, which were silhouette depictions of superheroes in a monochromatic style. Manev utilizes that same style here, but also adds something new in the way of color. For the regular edition, we get a completely color version of the man without fear. And for the variant, we get a more typical noir print, but with hues of red on the bottom. It's a nice touch, and great way to make these feel different from Manev's previous noir prints.
Drop Details: These will both drop on Wednesday, August 12th at random time between 1 and 2 PM EST on Grey Matter Art's website. The regular is an edition of 200 and will cost $50, while the variant is an edition of 100 and will cost $60. Both prints are giclees measuring 18x24. Good luck!
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