Mondo Kicks off October with Three New Creepshow Prints
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Tomorrow, October 1st, Mondo will kick off Halloween season with the cult horror classic "Creepshow." While several Mondo artists have tackled the property in the past, most notably Mike Sutfin and Gary Pullin, this time Mondo has tasked We Buy Your Kids and Boneface with interpreting the film. In fact, they gave WBYK two separate posters!
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While all the posters came out nicely, the Boneface really sticks out. His Mad Max piece showed a lot of promise, and he's really built on it here. It will be exciting to watch him tackle more and more properties as the year goes on.
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Drop Details: All three prints will go on sale tomorrow at a random time on Mondo's website. Each print measures 18x24 and will cost $40. The Boneface has an edition of 225, while each WBYK print has a run of 150. To all those going for these, Good Luck!
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