Kurtz and BNG Launch Ikonescape Series
Simply put, Rory Kurtz is the fastest rising star in print collector circles. His prints have won awards, sold out in seconds, and his graduate print was even used by the studio!

It is therefore incredibly exciting that Kurtz and Bottleneck have teamed up for a new series of prints entitled Ikonescape. Rory explained the series, as follows:
"There are a handful of films that give us more than a singular isolated story. These are films that create an entire universe around their characters, universes that exist beyond the finite narrative of the film. Ridley’s Blade Runner, Lynch’s Dune, the Harry Potter series, and so many more that have their own histories, cultures, languages, and visual aesthetics. I wanted to explore these characters in their natural worlds without the constraints of color counts and title placement. It’s an admittedly large sandbox to play in, and I couldn’t think of a better place to start than the Star Wars universe, with Kylo and Rey squaring off in that quiet moment before all hell breaks loose in a snowy landscape. In the future I hope to explore characters in film worlds we’re familiar with, and others far less traveled."

As mentioned above, the first prints in the series are Kylo Ren and Rey depicted in their battle positions from the Force Awaken's famous snow duel. The environment and character renditions make these pieces feel alive. And Rey in particular is simply stunning. Here's hoping this series continues in the same direction.
Drop Details: Rey and Kylo Ren both go on sale today at 12 PM EST on BNG's webstore. They are both editions of 325, cost $55 each and measure 13x19. To all those going for these, good luck!
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